Peregrine’s VP of Engineering Shares Global 1 Details in Microwave Product Digest

In the February 2014 issue of Microwave Product Digest, Peregrine’s VP of engineering, Dylan Kelly, shares details about the industry’s first reconfigurable RF front end, UltraCMOS® Global 1.

Kelly explains that the LTE market is growing exponentially, with a recent study suggesting a 60% increase in subscriptions by 2015, but with this growth comes increasing complexity as a greater number of frequency bands are being used. For example, the iPhone 5 has 5 SKUs to accommodate different regions with the RFFE content being the only difference, causing increased time, energy and cost in its production and use.

Now a single, global SKU is possible with the introduction of the UltraCMOS Global 1, a device that matches the performance of GaAs-based products. This single reference platform reduces the time needed for engineering and validation, reduces costs for development and validation and reduces time it takes for new products to get to the market. The consumer benefits from better mobile reception, a longer battery life, greater roaming range and faster rates of data.

To read the complete article in Microwave Product Digest, click here.


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Power Management

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