CTO Jim Cable Receives Award from SOI Industry Consortium

On Sept. 17, 2019 in Shanghai, pSemi chairman and CTO, Jim Cable, was recognized for his role in the advancement of RF SOI by the SOI Industry Consortium. The SOI Industry Consortium is the leading industry organization representing the complete silicon-on-insulator (SOI)-based microelectronics value chain.

The press release on this award win can be viewed here:  https://prn.to/2m2eKTy

The award was given at an evening reception following the SOI Consortium’s annual RF-SOI workshop in Shanghai, which was attended by over 450 industry leaders from China and around the world. During the workshop, Jim gave a keynote presentation titled “30 Years of RF SOI – Past, Present and Future” and spoke on a panel that covered the topic of “5G Development in China.”

Carlos Mazure, Executive Director of the SOI Consortium, praised “the innovation, dedication and perseverance of men like Jim Cable.” He added that, “Jim Cable drove the development of SOI and RF switches that are now in every cellphone.”

Jim joined pSemi (formerly Peregrine Semiconductor) in 1996, holding technical leadership roles before serving as CEO from 2002 to 2017. An early pioneer of SOI technology, Cable is listed on more than 70 semiconductor and technology patents, including breakthroughs in SOI-based processes for CMOS RF switch linearity and integration that are used by all smartphones today, and will become even more mission-critical in 5G and millimeter-wave markets. He received his B.S. in physics from UC Riverside and his master’s degree and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from UCLA.

Congratulations Jim on this honor!


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