What is Ron Coff?

Ron Coff is the figure of merit that is used to rate the performance of an RF switch. Ron Coff is the product of the Ron and Coff values of the transistor and is used to measure overall switch performance. It is important that both metrics are as low as possible, as both will affect the performance of the switch. A mechanical switch’s “on/off” state is […]

25-Year Anniversary Celebration

On October 29, 2013, we celebrated the 25-year anniversary of our innovative UltraCMOS® technology. The celebration brought together Peregrine’s co-founders, investors, executives, partners and customers. San Diego’s former mayor, Jerry Sanders, honored our place in the San Diego community and our groundbreaking technology during a speech for the guests.            


Power Management

Power Management

RF Mixers & Limiters

Front End Modules

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