PE42442 and PE42452 High-Isolation Switches

The PE42442, a SP4T RF switch, and the PE42452, a SP5T RF switch, are high-isolation, multi-throw switches that address emerging requirements in wireless infrastructure equipment. Successors to the popular PE42451, these SP4T and SP5T switches include several additional features, including an extended temperature range to 105-degrees Celsius and control logic support of 1.8V and 3V. Covering a frequency range of 450 MHz to 4 GHz, the PE42442 and PE42452 deliver exceptional isolation, linearity invariance over supply, flexible control and unparalleled ESD protection. To view the product page and datasheet, click on the following links: PE42442 and PE42452.


Power Management

Power Management

RF Mixers & Limiters

Front End Modules

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